Thermal Rating program
HTRI software products are widely recognized as the industry standard for the design, rating, and simulation of heat transfer equipment. These thermal analysis and design tools are backed by our long-running proprietary research program.
Xchanger Suite is software for the rating, simulation, and/or design of a wide variety of heat transfer equipment, including shell-and-tube and non-tubular exchangers, air coolers and economizers, and fired heaters.
SmartPM performance monitoring, analysis, and prediction software for shell-and-tube heat exchanger networks supports a greater understanding of oil refinery operational performance. Through monitoring and reconciling plant data, SmartPM provides accurate performance predictions through detailed heat exchanger modeling. It enables engineers to make informed decisions regarding maintenance or energy use, such as determining optimal exchanger cleaning schedules.

Process Gas Cooling
Heat transfer solution in a wide range of challenging applications in petrochemical, chemical, and metallurgical process

Air Cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE)
Jord has designed, fabricated and commissioned multiple thousands of bespoke air coolers; pressures up to 450 bar, temperatures from -60°c to 450°c, toxic, lethal & hydrogen services, and viscous, high pour point services.

Enhance Tube Heat Exchanger
Providing enhanced heat transfer
Solutions: inner-grooved, extruded
finned and dual enhanced tubes and heat exchangers in different material to a wide range of industries